Online Festival

Dear everyone

As you know from my last message we were planning to present Chipping Norton Music Festival 2021 as a hybrid festival, with both in person and on-line classes, giving our performers an opportunity to choose how they took part.

Following a committee meeting yesterday, we have now concluded that we will be an online Festival only for 2021. Now we are back in national lockdown, with the uncertainty as to when this will end, we now need to give you - our performers, parents, supporters and teachers - clarity so you can plan accordingly. I suspect it will not come as surprise to many of you in the new circumstances we find ourselves in this week.

Lots more details will be put on the website in the coming days, and we plan to open entries next week, but the key points are:

  • Classes will be the same as last year, although as always if you have a potential entry that doesn't currently fit a class,,, please let us know and we will try to find a way.
  • You will be asked to submit an entry online in the same way as last year – the closing date for entries will be 8th February
  • You will be asked to submit a video – either with your entry or later, quoting your entry number (given to you in the application process)
  • We will group the video submissions into small “classes” and you will be sent a link to videos for all performances in your class about one week before the class for you to watch on YouTube
  • Adjudication will be delivered to the class live via Zoom, with full details being sent to performers and teachers with the video link.

We are obviously disappointed that we will not get to meet you all this year, and hear live performances, but in the current situation, we believe this the best approach, primarily to ensure everyone’s safety, but also to protect the Festival from financial losses if things change at short notice in February and March. Rest assured we will be back live in 2022!

As I am sure you can appreciate, we now have some work to do to put the final touches to this plan and provide you with all the details you will need to enter. I’d like to record my thanks to our hardworking committee who have had so much to do in changing circumstances, while coping with all the other Covid-induced changes in their personal and working lives – they are all superstars!

So keep an eye on our website, and we will notify you when entries are live – in the meantime, please do contact me if you have any questions at all

Sarah Cobb - Chairman CNMF